Creating Alerts
To create your personalised alert, begin by hovering your mouse over the My Capital IQ tab and select the Create Alert option.
Once you’ve gone through the above steps, the first thing to do is name the alert, and then select whether you want to be alerted via e-mail or within the application (inApp Alert).
If you have chosen to be alerted via e-mail, the next stage is choosing your e-mail preferences. As shown in the image below you have the ability to customise the subject line of the alert, and more importantly choose the frequency of the notifications. By selecting Realtime it means you'll be notified as and when the alerts come in, whereas with Digest you can customise which days and at what time you'll be alerted.
Please keep in mind that these alerts will be sent in line with the regional settings of your account, so make sure that the correct time zone is set. You can find out how to check/adjust that
here.Quick Tip: If you're going to be out of the office you and don't want to receive alert e-mails, you can pause the alert or switch to inApp alert.
Alternatively, you can add a previously created Watch List by simply clicking on the search bar and selecting
View Recent Lists, followed by selecting
Watch Lists. If you'd like further information on how to create a
Watch List, you can find that
The final step is now choosing the type of alert that you're looking to build in the Select Type and Filter section.
For Example: If you wished to be alerted on rating changes to a specific list of companies, you would create a Watch List of these companies, add this to the alert and then expand on the S&P RatingsDirect Actions to then select the ratings actions you wish to be alerted on.
After selecting the type of alert you want, make sure to check the box of that alert type. Once you're happy with the above hit Save, which can be found in the bottom right corner.
To review your saved alerts, hover your mouse over the My Capital IQ tab and select Alerts to see a list of all the active alerts you have. Alternatively, if you've chosen to have inApp alerts, you can find these in the top right-hand corner underneath alerts.
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Keyword Search
When creating an alert for credit research, especially if you're looking for very specific pieces of research or niche markets, it's best to do this via the Keyword option on the add alerts page.
Type in the keyword you’re looking for (either within the headline or entire document) in quotation marks in the keyword box. For example "Hybrid Capital", which is shown in the image below. Using a Boolean type methodology (AND, OR, NOT), this can also be done for multiple words as seen below.
Following this, select the type of research you wish to review. For example, wide sector level information sits under the Commentary type of research. Similarly to above, make sure to check the box - so in this instance select S&P RatingsDirect Credit Research, and then click Save.
*Screenshots are for illustrative purposes only.