Project Smart Move FAQs

Workflow Enrichment & Fulfillment


What is Workflow Enrichment?

Workflow Enrichment is a preliminary phase of dual access that is focused on introducing a significant population of CIQ users to S&P Cap IQ Pro as a supplementary platform that can enrich CIQ workflows.

How can I add or prioritize a client for Workflow Enrichment access?

We are actively enabling targeted accounts via Smart Move. If you have a Capital IQ client that you would like to opt-in for access to S&P Cap IQ Pro now, please follow these instructions for 1-week turnaround via our program, or to get a 24-48 hour turnaround by putting in an individual request. View a Hub post about this here.

What happens after an account is fulfilled?

  • When an account is fulfilled, the full domain will have access to self-register for S&P Cap IQ Pro, both from the S&P Cap IQ Pro homepage, as well as from the S&P Capital IQ Pro link in the top navigation of CIQ. There is no indication about this for individual users on the platform.
  • Approx. a week after fulfillment we:
    • Turn on one-click access from CIQ to S&P Cap IQ Pro for the entire domain – from the S&P Capital IQ Pro link in the top navigation of CIQ, see first screenshot below. (At this point, there is no longer a self-registration requirement, and any CIQ user at the account gets one-click access to S&P Cap IQ Pro).
    • Turn on the popup in CIQ with one-click access to S&P Cap IQ Pro for individual users we selected for outreach based on relevant CIQ usage (unless the RM opted out of this feature), see second screenshot below.
    • Enroll selected users into a bi-weekly marketing email campaign (unless the RM opted out of this feature). See sample emails they will receive, as a Hub Post related to this and other Smart Move email campaigns here.
    • Also see next section for client outreach.
S&P Capital IQ Pro link that always appears in the top navigation of CapitalIQ will change to say “Try S&P Cap IQ Pro” and clicking on it will seamlessly let any user at the account into S&P Cap IQ Pro without registration:

Popup when the client first logs into CapitalIQ:

Who engages the account specific to Workflow Enrichment? How do individual users at the fulfilled account know they have access to S&P Cap IQ Pro?

  • The CRA team has been tasked with emailing all users we are targeting for Workflow Enrichment.
    • In parallel to fulfillment, an assigned CRA will reach out each RMs asking if it is ok for them to engage all target users identified for outreach at the account with a proactive email, with an option to opt into a conversation to speak about the value of S&P Cap IQ Pro.
    • If the RM does not send a response within a week requesting not to email those users, the CRA will contact the users a week later.
  • If the RM or CDA prefers to engage any or all of the users personally, see the Quick Tips section below.
  • The user will also receive the S&P Cap IQ Pro popup in CIQ, and be entered into an email marketing campaign, as indicated in the section above.
  • When the user logs into S&P Cap IQ Pro – they are entered into the Jumpstart email campaign, and also get a call from a CDA to schedule training.
  • If the user doesn’t log into S&P Cap IQ Pro for a month, the CRA reaches out to them again to follow up.
Quick tips on having a client conversation about Workflow Enrichment and CIQ/S&P Cap IQ Pro dual access:

  • Position S&P Cap IQ Pro is a companion tool to CapitalIQ, not a replacement for it.
    • Be sure to mention key features of S&P Cap IQ Pro, such as:
    • Help your client download the Mobile app to their iPhone (Android Mobile app is targeted for May 2020).
    • Customizable Market Monitor Dashboard to view relevant data on your list of clients or portfolios.
    • Sector and Topical News (ESG, Cybersecurity, Market news, etc.), with hundreds of articles covering companies and industry topics.
      • As an example of our expanded editorial coverage that spans beyond the SNL sectors, please feel free to share the Weekly News Spotlight with your clients, which is a newsletter from S&P Cap IQ Pro News that highlights our best exclusive reporting and data analysis from our newsroom of nearly 400 journalists around the world.
    • 475,000 private companies from Crunchbase to complement CIQ’s private company universe.
    • For S&P Cap IQ Pro Desktop clients, deep Industry data, ratios and metrics from SNL.
  • You can also find useful slides with talking points about S&P Cap IQ Pro’s benefits and content/functionality differentiated over CIQ in the Workflow Enrichment kick-off deck (slides 12-15).
How are we fulfilling accounts for WE? Does it impact the user experience of existing S&P Cap IQ Pro users at my account?

  • To fulfill accounts, the Smart Move team generates one of these two quotes for each subscription:
    • Dual Access Quote (newly released quote type as of March 2020, which ties S&P Cap IQ Pro directly to the existing CIQ subscription). Dual Access Quote currently does not handle multi-year subs and subs with non-annual billing frequency.
    • S&P Cap IQ Pro Feedback Quote (this is a trial quote that runs through the account’s next renewal date*). Weeks 1-18 (Oct. 2019 – mid-March 2020) were fulfilled exclusively via these quotes, and from Week 19 (3/16/2020) onwards - S&P Cap IQ Pro Feedback Quote is being utilized only for multi-year subs and subs with non-annual billing frequency, which are not currently handled by the Dual Access Quote.
  • Accounts are fulfilled for either MIDENT or S&P Cap IQ Pro Fundamentals, as indicated in column C of the “Accounts” tab of the master file.
  • A single new S&P Cap IQ Pro KOA gets created for these accounts at the domain level (unless specified otherwise). No welcome email is generated. For accounts that have existing KOA(s) – the creation of a new KOA for workflow enrichment will not change the user experience for users already accessing S&P Cap IQ Pro via other KOAs. Those users will continue logging into their existing KOAs, but can select the new one to log into under the profile in S&P Cap IQ Pro > Current Accounts.
  • We send a weekly report to RMs to notify them of the accounts fulfilled that week. See above for the user experience once the account is fulfilled.
* In order for your client who was fulfilled via the S&P Cap IQ Pro Feedback trial quote to continue with S&P Cap IQ Pro access past the next renewal date, the Smart Moe team manually adds the appropriate product and includes the KOA ID for Fulfillment at the client’s next renewal. Since the Dual Access Quote went live in March 2020 and ties S&P Cap IQ Pro directly into the CIQ subscription, we plan to create Dual Access Quotes for all accounts fulfilled in Weeks 1-18, unless they have multi-year subs or subs with non-annual billing frequency. Those will continue needing to be tied to the latest subscription renewal date manually, until these capabilities work on the Dual Access Quote.

Should the RM be checking the weekly fulfillment files?

  • Yes, every RM addressed in the weekly email should check the following details on the weekly fulfillment file.
  • Check the Accounts tab to:
  • Know which accounts are being fulfilled.
  • Make sure all CIQ subscriptions at each account are listed; those not listed will not be tied to fulfillment.
  • Make sure you agree with the approach of creating a new KOA for MIDENT or S&P Cap IQ Pro Fundamentals for each of the subscriptions listed. If you prefer to update an existing KOA instead of creating a new one, please inform [email protected] right away, so they can make adjustments.
  • Check the Users tab to:
  • Know which users are targeted to receive the S&P Cap IQ Pro popup in CIQ, as well as get enrolled in the marketing campaign, and advise if any users should be added/removed from the list.
What do the different dates mean in the Workflow Enrichment master file?

If you want to see the list of all your accounts chosen for Workflow Enrichment and whether it’s been fulfilled or prioritized for fulfillment, check the Workflow Enrichment master file. The fields below correspond to the actions we take as part of Workflow Enrichment, referenced above under section What happens after an account is fulfilled?

Key columns to check:
  • Week Fulfilled and Week Start Date
    • If a week number is filled in, the account was prioritized for that week. If the corresponding Week Start Date is in the past, the account is likely already fulfilled – check dates to the right to see when fulfillment, one-click capabilities, and marketing happened.
    • “NO WEEK” means the account is yet to be prioritized for fulfillment. See section How can I add or prioritize a client for Workflow Enrichment access? above if you need an account prioritized.
  • Fulfilled Date – Approximate date when the account was fulfilled. Blank means fulfillment has not occurred yet. Note: we update this column on a weekly basis for the current week’s fulfillment, so it’s possible the update is lagging, but your account may already be fulfilled. Feel free to check with [email protected] on exact status of an account prioritized for the current or past week, if you do not see this date filled in.
  • Popup Y/N and Popup Date Turned On – approach and timing with user-specific S&P Cap IQ Pro popup in CIQ.
  • Click-Thru Y/N and Click-Thru Date Turned On – approach and timing with domain-level one-click access from CIQ to S&P Cap IQ Pro.
  • Marketing Y/N and Marketing – First Email Sent – approach and timing with the marketing campaign.
  • Count of Users – view how many users were chosen to be targeted with the S&P Cap IQ Pro Popup in CIQ and marketing, and find them on the Users tab.

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