Project Smart Move FAQs

Client Touch Points

What will a client receive from Marketing and Client Services once they are fulfilled?

The below journey map outlines our design for client touch points once a user is fulfilled for Workflow Enrichment. It includes both marketing-owned touch points as well as the human touch points that will be executed by our RMs and RM Support teams. 

What do the current marketing assets for Workflow Enrichment look like?

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we pivoted our Workflow Enrichment outreach to the Coronavirus Newsletter produced by the Segment Marketing team. In May and June, newsletter KPIs were indicating a declining interest in Coronavirus news for this audience, so we felt the moment was right to transition back to the capability marketing that is foundational to Workflow Enrichment. 

On June 24, 2020, we relaunched our Power of S&P Cap IQ Pro marketing campaign with refreshed assets that expand our value proposition for Workflow Enrichment. The cornerstone of this campaign is a new campaign page, which you can see here.

Our new messaging outlines the value of S&P Cap IQ Pro in 3 key areas:
  • Differentiated Data
  • Productivity & Discovery
  • Data Visualization

To drive traffic to the site and ultimately S&P Cap IQ Pro, clients are targeted with the following outreach tactics:
  • Nurture email series (attached to this Hub post)
  • Google remarketing and targeted digital advertising
  • Social media targeted sponsored posting

We also encourage clients to subscribe to our Weekly News Spotlight and receive S&P Cap IQ Pro news stories every Monday.

What do fulfilled users see in the CIQ platform?

When a user is fulfilled for S&P Cap IQ Pro, we also turn on caps that enable a new pop-up and button inside the CIQ platform. From the pop-up or the button, users can complete their S&P Cap IQ Pro registration and enter the platform with a single click, which is the most seamless way for a CIQ user to access S&P Cap IQ Pro for the first time.

What happens when a CIQ user registers their profile in the S&P Capital IQ Pro?

When a user takes action and registers a profile in S&P Cap IQ Pro, they follow the same onboarding path we’ve designed for all new users of our platforms. Specifically, they enter a Jumpstart campaign (first 30 days), and once they have exhausted that campaign, they enter a Discovery series (months 2-6).

For both Jumpstart and Discovery, we have designed Dual Access versions that highlight the S&P Cap IQ Pro workflows most relevant to a user who is still leveraging CIQ.

Once a user exhausts Discovery, they will be integrated into our ongoing marketing efforts to build usage and adoption.

What other training materials are available to CIQ users learning the S&P Capital IQ Pro?

Where can I find slides that help me talk to users about the S&P Capital IQ Pro and Workflow Enrichment?

Most client-facing slides are available in Highspot. All of the desktop strategy slides, as well as segment specific Workflow Enrichment content can be found in the Presentation Builder Spot.

Can I use marketing assets in my personal outreach?

Yes! In fact, it’s encouraged. We purposefully make our marketing assets available to our client-facing teams so that they can be leveraged outside of traditional marketing channels.

How do I work with my Segment Marketer to supplement Smart Move marketing efforts?

Segment Marketing has an important role to play in Smart Move success. In addition to our core Smart Move campaigns, we need to amplify and deepen our migration messaging with segment-, persona-, and workflow-specific details. The Committee will rely on our segment stakeholders to lead this charge.

Anne Halstead and Ashley Kasonik are meeting with the Segment Marketing team on monthly basis to provide guidance and updates, answer questions, and track activity. Key info from these meetings should be relayed in your segment marketing meetings.

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