1. Settings & Alerts

We built the S&P Capital IQ Pro with your workflow in mind. Here you'll learn how to customize your settings and set up email and mobile push alerts to stay informed on the essential intelligence you care about, without the extra noise

Settings | Alerts


Settings allow you to adjust your view of the platform to fit your specific needs. Begin by clicking your name at the top right corner of your screen, and go to User Profile & Display Information.

Market Intelligence Settings

Under the User Profile & Display information tab, you can update your personal details under "User Information" and fill in all of the required fields for your "Profile Information" including company type, functional area, role, current profile, industry focus, and geography focus so that we can serve up the right content for you. 

Under "Display Information" you can select things like language, culture, currency and time zone preferences, as well as enable "Sharing Access" which allows you to share content, reports and maps with other MI platform users in your organization directly within the platform. 

Be sure to hit SAVE in the top right corner to update your settings

User Profile & Display

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To create new alerts, click on Saved Items from the top navigation > Alerts > Create New Alert

Give your alert a name, choose whether you'd like to receive alerts via email, mobile push notification, or both, and then apply your desired filters and triggers. To enable mobile push notifications, you'll need to install the S&P Capital IQ Pro Mobile app. Learn more about the mobile app here

Click SAVE when you are done.


For a view of all alerts you have set up, go to Manage Alerts from the same Saved Items menu. You can turn alerts on and off at any time using the Alert Status toggle

As you navigate through the S&P Capital IQ Pro, you can create alerts on the fly by clicking the Create Alert button in the top right corner of key pages such as Corporate Profiles, Research, and News features like the Daily Dose and Data Dispatches

Once you click on that icon, a window will pop up and allow you to customize your alerts settings, just like on the Create New Alert page. After tailoring to your liking, click Save in the bottom right corner. 

Related Resources:

This series of hands-on learning sessions will teach you key workflows in the S&P Capital IQ Pro and test your knowledge. A passing score will earn you a digital credential to recognize your proficiency of each skill. Sessions include 'Custom Analysis, Data Visualization, Market Monitoring and Company & Country Profiles'.

Watch this webinar for a quick overview highlighting the key features on the S&P Capital IQ Pro.


Need more help? Contact our 24x7x365 Support team or request one-on-one training with your Relationship Manager.

If others in your department would like access to the S&P Capital IQ Pro, they are already covered under the existing license and can register for their own login here »

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