4. Private Company Data

Gain access to deeper private company data for more than 500,000 companies, including company classifications and social media handles, sourced from data provider Crunchbase. Included are more than 210,000 private placements for coverage of early rounds, including Seed, Angel, Venture, and Series A.

Paired with the 6M+ private companies on the S&P Capital IQ platform, Crunchbase data on the S&P Capital IQ Pro enriches your early stage analysis and allows you to better pinpoint your next opportunity.

Corporate Profiles

To access a Corporate Profile, simply type the name of the company in the search bar. 

The Corporate Profile will show you a concise representation of a private company's business fundamentals, allowing you to quickly learn about a company and gain insight into possible investment decisions.

The options in the top right of the profile allow you to open up the CIQ Company Profile, create an alert about this company, add it to 'My Lists, export the profile, build a report, and more. 

With Crunchbase data on the S&P Capital IQ Pro, you can deepen your private company research and analysis with crowd-sourced intelligence on 500K+ private companies globally. In addition to general company information, you can review business categories, social media handles, and additional funding information. 

Related Resources:

This series of hands-on learning sessions will teach you key workflows in the S&P Capital IQ Pro and test your knowledge. A passing score will earn you a digital credential to recognize your proficiency of each skill. Sessions include 'Custom Analysis, Data Visualization, Market Monitoring and Company & Country Profiles'.


Need more help? Contact our 24x7x365 Support team or request one-on-one training with your Relationship Manager.

If others in your department would like access to the S&P Capital IQ Pro, they are already covered under the existing license and can register for their own login here »

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