S&P Global Marketplace Workbench Video Library
Unlocking the Power of Textual Data with Kensho NERD and Marketplace Workbench
Untapped textual data is considered by many businesses to be a gold mine of intelligence waiting to be discovered. Kensho NERD (Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation), a cutting-edge machine learning system, unlocks the full potential of your textual data by linking it to existing sources of structured knowledge. Trained on millions of business-related documents, NERD is the only technology on the market specifically optimized to extract financial entity information from text documents.

In this video, we preview:

  • How to access Kensho NERD as a service via the S&P Global Marketplace Workbench in order to tag textual information to financial entities

  • Using Kensho NERD on Machine Readable Transcripts to identify company names and aliases mentioned during earnings calls, as well as specify the location of the mention in the transcript

  • Converting audio into textual data using Kensho Scribe in conjunction with Kensho NERD to extract and map all the entities from that data
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