Title: University Essentials: ESG Disruption in a Contagion
Duration: 1 Hour
The COVID-19 public health crisis is far from over. While we can speculate about its long-term political, economic, and social consequences, we can correctly assume that we are undoubtedly at the precipice of a transformation. Policymakers, corporations and investors are taking note of the fragility of current frameworks. The pandemic has thrust us all outside of our comfort zones and will likely continue to disrupt the way we work, the way we are governed, our access to cities, services and entertainment. Now more than ever, it has become imperative for investment in resilient and sustainable corporate and community ecosystems.
Join S&P Global Market Intelligence for an in-depth discussion with ESG Commercial expert and distinguished Professors from NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and Tufts University – Urban and Environmental Policy & Planning. Panelists will explore the shifts within the corporate ecosystem, the depth and limitations of current ESG metrics tied to financial performance, and insights on environmental policies, urban planning and much more.
Participants will gain insights into the following: