US Power Forecast Q3'23: The looming margin squeeze for fossil generation


Title: US Power Forecast Q3'23: The looming margin squeeze for fossil generation

Duration: 1 hour

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Lower generation fuel costs usually improve the economics of fossil generation, however, the expansion of renewable energy is forecast to increasingly squeeze margins and reduce that benefit. This emerging dynamic may accelerate the retirement of coal and gas generation, despite current high levels of generation. With carbon-free generation expected to continue its rapid expansion, how would fossil generation still compete?

Join our Power Forecast team as they provide an update on the market dynamics of fossil and green generation from our latest Q3 2023 power forecast release.
  • Fossil vs. green financial performance: where do fossil generation compete?
  • Green performance benchmarks: Forecast of capture ratios in CAISO, PJM, and ERCOT
  • Curbing grid curtailment risk – progress and problems

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Director of Energy Research
S&P Global Commodity Insights
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S&P Global Commodity Insights
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