Title: Talk to the Experts: Perspectivas America Latina - Supply Chain Sanctions, Shortages, and Impacts
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 11:30 am ART
Duration: 30 Minutes
External demand will be the primary driver of Latin America´s growth in 2022. Although the region is experiencing less stringent supply chain restrictions, the main disruption for Latin American traders comes from increased shipping costs and long delays to products arriving at their destinations, considering that the key export markets, U.S. and China, are significantly affected by bottlenecks at ports.
Can Latin American countries be resilient and withstand adversity by taking advantage of loosened restrictions? Will logistics constraints persist throughout 2022? Join us for an immersive discussion with experts from S&P Global Market Intelligence and Commodity Insights to know what to expect in terms of mobility restrictions, imports of inputs, raw materials shortages, and much more.