Your ratings world, simplified
Every day, you encounter vast volumes of data – each one containing potentially valuable insight that can help you anticipate market movements and stay on top of credit risk.
How do you filter out the excess and zero in on the essential? With RatingsDirect Monitor, now available on the S&P Capital IQ platform.
RatingsDirect Monitor brings financial and market data to you directly as they happen. By syncing with your portfolio Watch List, Monitor brings timely and reliable data, dynamic visualizations, and credit ratings and research on a single screen, customized to your preferences.
Sharpen your perspective and boost your productivity
Every day, you encounter vast volumes of data – each one containing potentially valuable insight that can help you anticipate market movements and stay on top of credit risk.
How do you filter out the excess and zero in on the essential? With RatingsDirect Monitor, now available on the S&P Capital IQ platform.
RatingsDirect Monitor brings financial and market data to you directly as they happen. By syncing with your portfolio Watch List, Monitor brings timely and reliable data, cutting-edge visualizations, and credit ratings and research on a single screen, customized to your preferences.
Sharpen your perspective and boost your productivity