Title: Practical steps to achieve net-zero underwriting – Set a baseline, define targets and take action
Duration: 1 Hour
Many insurers consider net-zero a climate and business imperative, and want to play a role in countering the implication of climate change.
Pressure from regulators like the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) who have set out a protocol to its members, to set and disclose their
targets related to decarbonisation of their insurance portfolios by 31 July 2023, means that the most competitive insurers are already moving to take advantage of the situation.
The insurance market can easily combat climate change challenges by leveraging the strong influence it has on
society and the economy, through underwriting activities and by utilising its existing risk management, knowledge and expertise.
Up until recently, responses to net-zero have been mainly focused on insurers’ operational and investment activities.
However, the tide is turning at a fast rate with pressures from industry lead initiatives and changing regulatory environment.
The shift for decarbonization of underwriting portfolios is in the lime-light and insurers’ have an opportunity to drive change – in a material and relevant way.
Join our webinar to learn the practical steps you need to take to achieve a net-zero pathway: