Office Tools Quick Start & Videos

Office Tools is a work productivity tool embedded in Microsoft Office that helps you save time while building Excel models and presentations. With Office Tools you can:
Seamlessly link and update data from Excel to PowerPoint or Word with fewer errors
Quickly audit and edit complex formulas with the Trace Precedents and Dependents tools
Quickly format presentations with Presentation Tools

How Do I download Office Tools?

Office Tools is part of the recent versions of the MI Office Excel plug-in. Download the most recent version of MI Office here. If you need help downloading or need administrator privileges to download the software, reach out to your firm’s IT team. Please direct them to this document, which walks them through the steps to download.

What other perks come with Office Tools?

We’ll link data from your Excel files to your presentations and documents for you. Simply send us your PowerPoint template or Word files along with the accompanying financial model that contains the data you want linked, and let us take care of the rest!

Training Videos

Click each video below for a deeper dive into MI Office Tools.

*Screenshots are for illustrative purposes only.

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