Navigating Basel IV: Guidance and insight into complying with the new reforms for banks


Title: Navigating Basel IV: Guidance and insight into complying with the new reforms for banks

Duration: 1 hour

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Join our panel of experts as we discuss what the Basel IV reforms entail and potential tools available to help with adoption as well as to get an overview on capital position of banks in the region. We will also hear firsthand from banks on how the Basel IV reforms have helped them stay resilient during times of crisis along with challenges related to implementation. Lastly, there will be an opportunity to ask the panelists any questions you have on adopting Basel IV reforms.

Martin Neisen
Partner Head of Global Basel IV initiative
Onno Steins
Senior Adviser, Prudential Regulation
Dutch Banking Association
Olivier Irisson
Director of Architecture & Reporting
BPCE Group
Steve Byron
Capital & Prudential Transformation Director
Lloyds Banking Group
Ivan Kacarevic
Director of Credit Risk Solutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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Mohsin Ali Khan (Moderator)
Director, Desktop Business Development
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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