Title: Metals & Mining: Industry Top Trends & Pricing Assumptions Update
Duration: 45 minutes
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According to a recent S&P Global Ratings report published on June 29, 2021 - “Metal Price Assumptions: Prices Stay Hot, But No Signs of a Melting Point”, S&P Global Ratings has once again raised their assumptions for all metals prices for 2021 and for most of them for 2022.
Global recovery is expected to look stronger for 2021 and that is putting pressure on most metals demand, particularly for base metals such as copper, iron ore, nickel, zinc, as well as metallurgical coal. Market conditions in 2021 will yield windfall profits and cash flows, sparking greater shareholder returns, growth capital expenditures, and acquisitions, particularly for copper and iron ore producers, given that price for those two metals have reached all-time highs.
Join our panel of speakers from S&P Global Ratings and S&P Global Market Intelligence as they discuss: