M&A in Focus: 2023 Dealmaking at the Half, Opportunities, and the Road Ahead


Title: M&A in Focus: 2023 Dealmaking at the Half, Opportunities, and the Road Ahead

Duration: 1 hour

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The higher interest rate environment has weighed on M&A thus far in 2023 and the rapid rate-hiking cycle has also triggered instability in the banking sector, grounded deals among depositories. However, those with dry powder, such as cash-rich corporates and oil and gas majors, could still be well-positioned to pursue acquisitions. Or will dealmaking obstacles persist for them? Will we see an uptick in activity in H2 or will deals be scrapped and pushed into 2024?

Our panel will discuss:

  • What the data says about global M&A volumes in H1’23
  • The current credit landscape for dealmaking and outlook
  • Shifts towards de-leveraging and debt equity strategies
  • Sector perspectives: possible banking consolidation and what would be needed for oil and gas deals to get back on track

Peter Brennan
Senior Reporter, Credit and Markets
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Paul Gruenwald
Global Chief Economist
S&P Global Ratings
Bill Holland
Senior Reporter, Oil and Gas News
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Joe Mantone
News Desk Manager, US Financial Institutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Lauren Seay
Sector Editor, US Banks
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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James West (Moderator)
Head of Desktop Market Development, Corporates and Professional Services
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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