Title: Keep Calm Through the Storm – Utilizing Alternative Data to Minimize Climate Risk
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Time: 11:00 am - 11:45 am EDT
Duration: 45 minutes
As the climate continues to change, the physical impact on business has become a clear and present danger. According to S&P Global Sustainable1, 66% of major global companies have at least one asset at high physical risk under the high impact climate change scenario in 2050. The greatest of these physical risks comes from water stress and wildfire.
In this interactive webinar, experts from S&P Global Market Intelligence and Weather Source will discuss the effects of natural disasters and severe weather on business, and how to assess the associated risk and exposure to minimize financial impacts. Join us for an overview of various examples using alternative data to pinpoint assets that may have higher climate risk exposure. Topics and use cases include: