IN/sights: Outlook & Trends for US Insurers — What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond


Title: IN/sights: Outlook & Trends for US Insurers — What to Expect in 2024 and Beyond

Duration: 1 hour

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The mounting frequency and intensity of worldwide uncertainties, encompassing climate change, regulatory shifts, and fluctuations in the macroeconomic environment, present a multifaceted set of challenges for insurers as they embark on the new year. As a result, many firms have begun to embrace transformative measures to minimize losses in response to this evolving landscape, signaling a potential turning point for the industry.

Join us for a complimentary webinar in which subject matter experts from S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Dow Jones Indices, and S&P Global Ratings will dive into trends and challenges facing the insurance industry in 2024 and beyond.
Discussion topics will include:

• State of the industry in the era of higher for longer interest rates and inflation
• Impact of climate on risk-appetite amid high reinsurance costs and natural catastrophe losses
• Ongoing sharp divergence in underwriting results between personal and commercial P&C lines
• M&A, private equity, sidecars, and the offshoring of annuities
• Commercial real estate mortgage exposure
• Regulatory changes and implications of LDTI nearly a year later

Lynn Bachstetter (Moderator)
Global Head of Cross Product Market Development
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Carmi Margalit
Senior Director, Life Insurance Sector Lead
S&P Global Ratings
Tim Zawacki
Principal Research Analyst
S&P Global Market Intelligence
John Iten
Senior Director, P/C Insurance Sector Lead
S&P Global Ratings
Raghu Ramachandran
Head of Insurance Asset Channel
S&P Dow Jones Indices
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