De la teoría a la práctica en IFRS 9
El tiempo corre para las Instituciones Financieras

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Título: De la teoría a la práctica en IFRS 9: el tiempo corre para las Instituciones Financieras

Duración: 1 Hour

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Durante este webinar de 30 minutos, abordaremos algunos de los temas clave relativos a la implementación efectiva de IFRS 9, con especial énfasis en los cálculos de deterioro para Instituciones Financieras en América Latina.

Algunos temas que analizaremos son los siguientes:

  • Cómo combinar información interna con evidencia empírica, nuestros datos y análisis para ayudar a cumplir con los requisitos de IFRS 9
  • Énfasis en el deterioro crediticio: ¿cuál es el problema?
  • Por qué una metodología intuitiva pero sofisticada de pérdida dado el incumplimiento (Loss Given Default) es absolutamente crucial para un enfoque eficiente de asignación de reservas/provisiones para la estimación del deterioro
  • Determinación de las pérdidas crediticias esperadas: un ejemplo simplificado

Carlos Guglielmo
Senior Director in Global Risk Services
S&P Global Market Intelligence


Cristiano Zazzara Ph.D.
Managing Director, Head of Risk Services EMEA
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Dr. Cristiano Zazzara is Managing Director and Head of Risk Services Relationship Management, focusing on key market stakeholders, including C-level Executives and Regulators. He is an expert in financial risk management with over 20 years’ experience at banks, government agencies, service providers, Universities and think tanks.

Cristiano joined S&P Global Market Intelligence from MSCI Risk Metrics where he was the Head of Market, Credit, Counterparty Risk and OTC Clearing Business for the EMEA Banking sector and Global Head of Credit Advisory Business for Buy-side and Sell-Side Institutions. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Research & Strategy Unit of Unicredit Group, Managing Director and Head of the Internal Rating Unit at Capitalia Banking Group, and General Manager of the Italian Association of Banking and Finance (ASSONEBB). Dr. Zazzara also served as a financial economist at the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, where he was the Head of the Research Department.

Dr. Zazzara received a BSc in Economics & Business and a MSc in Banking from the University La Sapienza of Rome, and a PhD in Management (Finance) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Cristiano Zazzara Ph.D.
Managing Director, Head of Risk Services EMEA
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Dr. Cristiano Zazzara is Managing Director and Head of Risk Services Relationship Management, focusing on key market stakeholders, including C-level Executives and Regulators. He is an expert in financial risk management with over 20 years’ experience at banks, government agencies, service providers, Universities and think tanks.

Cristiano joined S&P Global Market Intelligence from MSCI Risk Metrics where he was the Head of Market, Credit, Counterparty Risk and OTC Clearing Business for the EMEA Banking sector and Global Head of Credit Advisory Business for Buy-side and Sell-Side Institutions. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Research & Strategy Unit of Unicredit Group, Managing Director and Head of the Internal Rating Unit at Capitalia Banking Group, and General Manager of the Italian Association of Banking and Finance (ASSONEBB). Dr. Zazzara also served as a financial economist at the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, where he was the Head of the Research Department.

Dr. Zazzara received a BSc in Economics & Business and a MSc in Banking from the University La Sapienza of Rome, and a PhD in Management (Finance) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Cristiano Zazzara Ph.D.
Managing Director, Head of Risk Services EMEA
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Dr. Cristiano Zazzara is Managing Director and Head of Risk Services Relationship Management, focusing on key market stakeholders, including C-level Executives and Regulators. He is an expert in financial risk management with over 20 years’ experience at banks, government agencies, service providers, Universities and think tanks.

Cristiano joined S&P Global Market Intelligence from MSCI Risk Metrics where he was the Head of Market, Credit, Counterparty Risk and OTC Clearing Business for the EMEA Banking sector and Global Head of Credit Advisory Business for Buy-side and Sell-Side Institutions. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Research & Strategy Unit of Unicredit Group, Managing Director and Head of the Internal Rating Unit at Capitalia Banking Group, and General Manager of the Italian Association of Banking and Finance (ASSONEBB). Dr. Zazzara also served as a financial economist at the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, where he was the Head of the Research Department.

Dr. Zazzara received a BSc in Economics & Business and a MSc in Banking from the University La Sapienza of Rome, and a PhD in Management (Finance) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Cristiano Zazzara Ph.D.
Managing Director, Head of Risk Services EMEA
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Dr. Cristiano Zazzara is Managing Director and Head of Risk Services Relationship Management, focusing on key market stakeholders, including C-level Executives and Regulators. He is an expert in financial risk management with over 20 years’ experience at banks, government agencies, service providers, Universities and think tanks.

Cristiano joined S&P Global Market Intelligence from MSCI Risk Metrics where he was the Head of Market, Credit, Counterparty Risk and OTC Clearing Business for the EMEA Banking sector and Global Head of Credit Advisory Business for Buy-side and Sell-Side Institutions. Previously, he was Managing Director in the Research & Strategy Unit of Unicredit Group, Managing Director and Head of the Internal Rating Unit at Capitalia Banking Group, and General Manager of the Italian Association of Banking and Finance (ASSONEBB). Dr. Zazzara also served as a financial economist at the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi, where he was the Head of the Research Department.

Dr. Zazzara received a BSc in Economics & Business and a MSc in Banking from the University La Sapienza of Rome, and a PhD in Management (Finance) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

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