ESG Data Aggregation and Management across Public and Private Assets: Understanding the Impact of Your Portfolios


Title: ESG Data Aggregation and Management across Public and Private Assets: Understanding the Impact of Your Portfolios

Duration: 30 minutes

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Market participants are under increasing pressure from regulators and investors to track and deliver transparency into the ESG credentials of their portfolios. However, they face significant challenges due to the high volumes of disparate data that are required from multiple sources, with many firms relying heavily on unscalable manual processes.

Join us for the first in a series of three webinars to hear how we are helping market participants achieve their sustainability goals by addressing their ESG data challenges.

In this first webinar, we will focus on approaches for addressing ESG data aggregation challenges, including centralizing data for public and private assets. We will showcase how our ESG Data Management as a Service - including our Sustainable1 data and insights - is helping market participants accelerate their sustainability strategies by streamlining data-intensive processes.

Specific topics covered during the first webinar will include:

  • Overview of the end-to-end ESG Data Management as a Service workflow
  • Onboarding of new data vendors leveraging out-of-the-box adapters
  • Aggregating ESG data from third-party and proprietary sources at the company, fund and portfolio levels
  • Integrating ESG data for public and private assets
  • ESG data normalization and validation
  • Monitoring commitments and screening

Keep an eye out for the details of subsequent webinars in this series, which will focus on (1) entity mastering and hierarchy management and (2) ESG reporting.

Alex Merola
Executive Director, ESG Commercial Strategy for Software Solutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Neil Robertson
Vice President, Hosted and Managed Services Commercial Strategy for Software Solutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence
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