Title: The Road to Basel IV: Navigating the Challenges facing European Banks
Duration: 60 Minutes
What are the key challenges confronting banks, and how can they best prepare to meet the increased capital requirements of Basel IV?
Join our panelists as they discuss the expected impact of the final Basel IV capital rules on European banks. How can banks best prepare to meet the increased capital requirements, and what are the key challenges to full implementation of Basel IV? We will look back at 14 years of Basel capital reforms in Europe and discuss why those reforms were necessary and what has been achieved so far.
We will explore additional challenges for banks in the current volatile environment and how that could impact their readiness to start the implementation of Basel IV rules. We will also discuss adjustments proposed by European authorities that could potentially ease the implementation of Basel IV for local banks and will look in the future to possible changes to bank capital buffers as the Basel IV rules are implemented.
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