Title: Demystifying environmental, social and governance data collection in private markets
Duration: 1 Hour
Quantifying sustainability or the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact of private market investments continues to be critically important and uniquely challenging for General Partners. As Limited Partner pressures around sustainability mounts on one hand, General Partners are met with limited data, rapidly evolving regulatory frameworks, and nuanced reporting requirements on the other. In fact, according to a recent Mergermarket & Dechert report, over 50% of asset managers see standardized documentation to gather, monitor, and evaluate data as the number one hurdle to sustainable investing. The iLEVEL and Novata integration powers environmental, social, and governance monitoring by centralizing sustainability, financial, and operational performance, enabling asset managers to seamlessly analyze and report across all levels of their investment portfolio to unleash the power of sustainability in private markets.
Here is what you will gain from the session: