Demystifying Nature and Biodiversity for Financial Institutions


Title: Demystifying Nature and Biodiversity for Financial Institutions

Duration: 1 hour

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Nature and biodiversity risk is a rapidly emerging issue of global concern. Since the successful agreement of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), it is quickly becoming a key topic for financial institutions.

Join us for the next episode of our Demystifying Sustainability webinar series to hear from specialists from S&P Global, Brunel Pension Partnership and Nature Action 100 as they discuss:

  • What is nature-related risk, and why is it important for financial institutions?
  • The emerging frameworks for nature-related risks and solutions to nature-related data needs
  • Our panel's views on how firms can get started with S&P Global Nature & Biodiversity Risk and the changing expectations of investors

Chris Perceval (Moderator)
Senior Market Engagement Director
S&P Global Sustainable1
Steven Bullock
Managing Director, Global Head of Research and Methodology
S&P Global Sustainable1
Faith Ward
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Brunel Pension Partnership; Chair
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
Norah Berk
Senior Programme Manager - Nature
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