Decarbonizing Gas Utilities: The role of hydrogen and renewable natural gas


Title: Decarbonizing Gas Utilities: The role of hydrogen and renewable natural gas

Duration: 1 hour

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Gas utilities see potential for low-carbon hydrogen and renewable natural gas (RNG) to contribute to emission reductions goals. In recent years, US distribution system operators have launched dozens of hydrogen pilot projects. The companies are also embarking on a growing number of RNG endeavors, from investing in production facilities to marketing and transporting the fuel.

S&P Global will convene a panel of experts to explore the emerging role of hydrogen and RNG in gas utility sustainability strategies. Topics will include:

  • RNG and hydrogen blending: Opportunities and obstacles
  • Projects to date: How gas utilities are preparing to integrate low-carbon fuels
  • Regulatory reception: Paths to cost recovery for fuel procurement and investments
  • View from Wall Street: How investors are valuing low-carbon fuel endeavors

Neil Navin
Chief Clean Fuels Officer
Southern California Gas Co.
Justin Stankiewicz
Director of RNG Development
Chesapeake Utilities Corp.
Jay Rhame
Co-portfolio manager of Virtus Reaves Utilities ETF and CEO
Reaves Asset Management
Lillian Federico
Research Director, Energy
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Peter Gardett
Executive Director, Financial and Capital Markets
S&P Global Commodity Insights
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Tom DiChristopher (Moderator)
Senior Natural Gas Reporter
S&P Global Commodity Insights
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