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Praesent porttitor malesuada ornare. Etiam pellentesque vitae risus in elementum. Vivamus ex sem, maximus in ligula vitae, dictum luctus felis. Etiam et rutrum mauris, congue hendrerit nisi. Aenean lorem sem, consequat sit amet diam ut, pellentesque aliquet ante. Ut egestas massa mi, nec condimentum ipsum suscipit non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Praesent porttitor malesuada ornare. Etiam pellentesque vitae risus in elementum. Vivamus ex sem, maximus in ligula vitae, dictum luctus felis. Etiam et rutrum mauris, congue hendrerit nisi. Aenean lorem sem, consequat sit amet diam ut, pellentesque aliquet ante. Ut egestas massa mi, nec condimentum ipsum suscipit non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

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参赛队员:Yiming ZHU, Renbin ZHAO, Huiyu ZHOU, Di WU, Bangrui LI, Chengchen WU



  • Excellent visuals accentuate the analysis across company overview and financial analysis.
  • Use of different financial measurements from valuations to multiples comparisons versus competitors and industry standards demonstrate strong understanding JD's business versus their peers. 
  • Explanation of assumptions used in DCF Analysis and Relative Valuation made the arrival of their recommendation easy to follow.




参赛队员:Hanfei LI, Shiying ZHANG, Zaiyou GUAN

学校: 西交利物浦大学


  • Strong breakdown of industry overview sets the table nicely for in-depth business overview.
  • Dedicated section to ESG focus demonstrates forward looking understanding of how external factors impact corporate actions.
  • Deeper description of the Valuation and Risk within the report itself would have provided stronger understanding of the "Why" within the analysis.




参赛队员:Yingtian LIU, Jianliang HE, Zhenhao KE, Yuan ZHANG, Lai JIANG



  • Excellent breakdown of the main and new businesses of Meituan. Easy to gain a quick idea of their strengths, potential areas of weaknesses, and where they can grow.
  • The size of the charts and visuals make it difficult for the reader to parse out information.
  • Upside and Downside Drivers assumptions are helpful to understand when looking at valuations to understand the potential range.


优秀奖 (排名不分先后)

参赛队员:Li LIN, Wenyu YANG, Yilin WU, Jiawen YANG, Xunchao QIAN

  • Solid explanation of strengths and threats within each specific business
  • Stronger focus on valuation and risk the business would be helpful to round out the analysis provided in industry and company overview
  • Would be helpful to see an appendix of the underlying data used that formulated the information in the report.

参赛队伍名称:Winner takes all
参赛队员:Rong ZHOU, Cheng YANG, Bing DONG, Yuanze WANG

  • Risk factors are well explained with data to back it up
  • Calling out the figures within the text is help for the user to follow
  • Formatting of the text and visual sizes could be improved as it's very closely grouped together

参赛队伍名称:All Right
参赛队员:Jiacheng QIN, Zhuohan LIU, Meilin LU, Junsen ZHONG, Haoyu YANG

  • Appreciate the use of top-down and bottom-up analysis within the financial forecast and sharing the different perspectives
  • Strong visuals but having to go back and forth between the figure and explanation causes disruption while reading the report

参赛队伍名称:Value Diggers
参赛队伍:Ruomeng LI, Wenting JIANG, Yuyan YIN, Xinyue FANG, Rui LUO

  • Thorough industry analysis including short-term and long-term factors
  • More historical data to support the strength and weakness of the company business would have helpful context to add
  • Very solid visuals

参赛队伍名称:Give Me Five
参赛队伍:Gangming SHAO, Jiaxin XUE, Junjie ZOU, Wenjun WANG, Jiaao LV

  • Very strong explanation of the multiple scenarios and contributing factors of each scenarios under the DCF Valuation analysis
  • Density of the format is difficult to read. Adding a summary of high-level overview of at least the recommendation from the report at the top would be useful

参赛队伍名称:Standard & Rich
参赛队伍:Yunke WANG, Xiaohan HU, Yidi WU, Qing ZHANG, Ze TAO

  • ESG Analysis as part of Corporate Analysis is helpful as ESG factors will become an increasingly more important factor moving forward
  • Recommendation would be useful at the top of the report
  • More visuals that demonstrate the team's own analysis versus third-party sourced visuals would provide clearer understand of the team's own perspectives

参赛队伍名称:V for Fortune
参赛队伍:Hao MAO, Jianzhen LING, Shenyu DONG, Yingfan HUANG, Yanli LI

  • Excellent data in the charts to support the analysis. Only nitpick would be use of light font on light colored charts makes it difficult to read specific numbers in serveral charts
  • Comprehensive industry and firm analysis

参赛队伍:Yangkun CHEN,Junrui LIU,Mengyuan LI,Zhenyu GUO, Zhoujie Liang

  • Visuals to highlight the industry or company business would have been helpful to provide deeper understanding
  • Financial Forecast with a view into probability is beneficial knowledge within overall recommendation scope
  • Explanation of assumption under Cost of Capital is needed

参赛队伍名称:Equito Valonum!
参赛队伍:Mingyuan HUANG, Kefeng WU, Xiao PAN, Ruiwei ZHANG, Ruihe WANG

  • Use of Total Available Market in Revenue forecasting is great to see
  • Room for improvement in visuals as it is difficult to parse. Source should also be where the data is from, not which team built it

参赛队伍名称:Do Everything
参赛队伍:Minjie ZHANG, Qinhui LIU, Lingyi XU, Yuerong HUANG

  • SWOT Analysis is thorough and easy to understand, well done
  • Strong support within the industry overview from multiple sources
  • Would be helpful in the Risk Factors section to further understand how each risk materially impacts Meituan and the recommendation or stock price



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