Title: Cash Flow Projection Workflow for Commercial Banks in Hong Kong
Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM HKT
Duration: 30 Minutes
Over the past several years, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has been actively pursuing an agenda for adequate and effective liquidity risk management for banks in Hong Kong. HKMA has provided supervisory guidance on the key elements of a sound liquidity risk management framework. This includes conducting cash flow projections to monitor liquidity positions under normal business conditions, and performing stress tests regularly based on severe (but plausible) scenarios to identify potential sources of liquidity strain.
In this webinar, we will review HKMA’s liquidity management guidance and share our experience on how banks can streamline their cash flow projection workflows using modern technology applications. We will touch upon:
Join us and uncover new ways to proficiently address HKMA’s liquidity assessments.