Navigating Basel IV: Guidance and insight into complying with the new reforms for banks

The Basel Committee introduced Basel III framework in the aftermath of global financial crises. It focused on improving resilience of the banking system by introducing measures such as increased capital requirements, minimum leverage ratio requirement and capital buffers. Basel IV, or the finalized Basel III reforms, further strengthens the global regulatory framework by enhancing calculation of risk-weighted assets (RWA) to address excessive variability.

Due to Basel IV being an important and complex topic, S&P Global Market Intelligence organized a webinar to discuss what these reforms entail, the potential tools available to help with its adoption and have a panel discussion with industry experts to talk about the challenges associated with implementation. To view the on-demand replay of the webinar held on September 21 2023, please click here.

Key takeaways:

  • Enormity of change
  • Rethinking of capital management
  • Data management


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