Australia Mining by the Numbers

We provide more than just data on Australia’s mining industry. Unlock essential intelligence.

It's no secret that Australia is the second top country for nonferrous exploration — that’s just data you can get anywhere. But did you know:

  • According to data collected for S&P Global Market Intelligence’s Corporate Exploration Strategies series, Australia has a reported nonferrous exploration budget of US$1.08 billion and represented 14% of the world's total exploration budget in 2017.
  • Australia's exploration budget jumped by 20% year-on-year in 2017, a higher percentage increase compared with 14% global increment in exploration budgets.
  • Gold (estimated revenue over US$57 billion), gold (estimated revenue over US$10.8 billion) and copper (estimated revenue over US$4.9 billion) generate the highest commodity revenue for the Australian mining industry. 
The Australian mining industry infographic provides an overview of key mining activities including drilling and development activity, commodity revenues, reserves and resources in situ values, capital raisings and corporate exploration budgets information.

Identify the key drivers of the Australian mining industry, download the complimentary infographic.

Australian mining industry infographic

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