Title: Accelerated IR - Taking a Proactive Approach to Shareholder Acquisition
Duration: 1 hour
Despite consistent efforts to attract investors by participating in industry conferences, non-deal roadshows and organizing Investor Days -- meeting and converting appropriate investors remains a challenge for Investor Relations teams. Alongside the diligent execution of traditional IR programs, the evolving capital markets landscape necessitates incorporating innovative and effective solutions.
S&P Global Market Intelligence in conjunction with Rose & Company is pleased to host an expert panel to discuss the evolving landscape of investor engagement and successful shareholder management and acquisition. The panel will discuss a range of critical topics, including:
• The challenge of attracting and engaging long-only shareholders.
• How to best develop relationships with buy-side teams.
• Understanding the true addressable market for your investment story.
• How to identify and correct inefficient uses of resources and time.
• Corporate access vs. investor access.
• The importance of fundamental investor targeting.
• Why investor feedback matters.
Please join our panel on November 9th to hear them discuss these topics and more and to field your live questions