Quantifies value throughout U.S. power sector's energy transition
Understand opportunities, costs and risks in the energy transition with first-class U.S. power and utilities sector data, electricity price forecasts, proprietary power market and regulatory research, and climate analytics.
Identify clean energy opportunities by analyzing thousands of continuously updated active power projects and reviewing past renewable projects in development. Conduct due diligence on PPA procurement using FERC Electric Quarterly Reports (EQR) and data, and our proprietary PPA tracking,
Quantify stranded asset transition risk using our forecast on fossil fuel-fired plant retirements, track and map coal and gas plant retrofitting activity, and evaluate asset operating margins.
Understand power price forecasts, incorporating the Renewable Energy Credit (REC) forecast, hourly power price forecasting, resource adequacy projection, historical nodal and power generation data to accurately value renewable projects.
Assess company financials and asset data. Build a bottom-up view of utility and energy company's regulatory financials and asset metrics to understand key factors