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S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates financial and industry data, research, and news into tools that allow customers across academic, government, and commercial firms to generate investment ideas, conduct research, perform valuation and assess risk.  We’re experienced in delivering campuses the data and tools required to exceed, achieve & maintain accreditation.

Our robust data solutions can fortify your research and provide a deep dive into today’s rapidly evolving markets across all sectors. Go beyond traditional learning to help students dive into sustainable finance, financial technology, global trade, banking & energy management.

To learn more, complete the form to the right, and a member of our team will contact you, shortly.

ESG Data
Explore financial impacts as companies strive for a greener future through sustainable finance. Incorporate socially responsible firms into your classwork and Student Managed Investment Funds. Our essential sustainability intelligence has informed hundreds of research publications, supporting our academic partners with comprehensive data coverage, robust data linking, and flexible data delivery.

Cross-Sector Data
Extensive global coverage in the banking, insurance, real estate, media & communications and, metals & mining sectors, and the U.S. energy markets

Data Delivery and  Workflow Tools
Access our data in a research-friendly format through our partnerships with Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) or Chicago Booth’s Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). These platforms are built to deliver the data you need for comprehensive research.
Textual Data Analytics (TDA)
  • Unstructured data from transcripts and documents are time-consuming to source and expensive to analyze. S&P Global parses and structures textual information for ease of use, bypassing the entire sourcing, cleansing, and maintenance process.
  • Leverage our Machine Readable Transcripts and source text from earnings calls of 11K+ companies and access our Machine Readable Filings for textual portions of 10Ks, 10Qs, and global annual reports.
World-class desktop platforms S&P Capital IQ and Capital IQ Pro
Revolutionize your business program with access to the same comprehensive information on companies, markets, and people worldwide that analysts and investors use on Wall Street.
  • Conduct research in a lab or on your personal computer to define curriculum, complete assignments, or research prospective employers.
  • Leverage our  S&P Capital IQ Pro tool to enhance fundamental data by adding deep sector data, supply chain analysis, and Environmental, Social, and Governance data.
  • Marketplace
  • Explore premium fundamental and alternative datasets available seamlessly via Cloud, Data Feed, API Solutions, and Capital IQ Pro, along with expert analysis you won't find anywhere else.

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